March, 2024


3h 40m

I realize the original game had a surplus of mini-games, and I respect that the developers wish to honour that in Rebirth; but holy shit, I'd be happy if there was even just slightly less.

At least half, if not more of the trip sailing to Costa La Sol is dedicated to the Queen's Blood tournament, and don't get me wrong, I enjoy the card game, however it takes the place just after a string of mini-games in Junon. Any chance for the characters to reflect or talk to one another is pushed to the wayside in favour of all the silly moments, which makes the sudden shift in tone for the Jenova sequence jarring. Will say however, that I'm glad human "disguised" Red XIII made into the game.

Weren't feeling the mini-game fatigue set in? Well don't worry! because now you've got to do half a dozen more to buy everyone swimsuits. Again, this section would've felt as draining if it immediately take place after an extensive card game tournament. The downright disrespectful dog soccer mini-game and shooting gallery were the highlights, but finding the "hidden" cactuars and playing the piano (I got a B) had me zoning out. Overall, they needed to find a better distribution of the mini-games to avoid players burning out of them.